atum3D is committed to let you benefit from our expertise in every possible way. We’re ready to help you set up and use your atum3D product and encourage sharing your experience. But we also invite you to challenge us in terms of even better tolerance levels and material properties. Let’s create new standards together!

Tolerance Tuning

Tolerance levels up to 6 µm in the Z-axis resolution are possible in fixed variable environments. Team up with our experts to finetune your application.

Material R&D

We’re ready to apply our expertise and research possibilities to achieve custom material requirements using our open platform technology.

Installation Service

atum3D offers the option to have hardware and software installed and calibrated for first use by certified professionals.

Operator Training

We’ll kickstart your atum3D experience with a comprehensive interactive online or on-site Operator Training course.

DLP Support

We’ve created support packages to match your service and support needs for (critical) business processes.

Knowledge Base

atum3D has in-depth experience with and knowledge of many different materials and processes.

Several of the above Services are included with our Industry Excellence Packs.